Friday Nov 25, 2016
Bill Show #163: Give Fascism A Chance.
Friday Nov 25, 2016
Friday Nov 25, 2016
Yes the normalization of a fascist as President is going swimmingly as New York Times talking head David Brooks hails Trump's appointments as having "good resumes" and we watch as the entire Democratic Party starts their inevitable gutless cave to Trump. Researchers allege large scale hacking of the 2016 election, but the Dems leave it to Jill Stein to protest the result. We look over the gallery of horrors set to compose Trump's advisors and cabinet. We look at the fued between Trump and a broadway show. We also give you an up to date list of the court dates facing our new President, even after settling a case for fraud in the state of New York. Then announce our new tine foil hats and listen to some clips from the last two weeks in politics. Yes...it's time to give fascism a chance. Come on...lets burn some books, kids...