
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Bill Show #322- SPECIAL EDITION: The Debate, Scotus...and Biden.
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
New information has been leaked from the Biden Campaign regarding the state of Joe Biden and the electoral damage done by the Presidential Debate...and it is a reason for real concern. We discuss. Just as the odds favour an authoritarian victory by Trump's Fascist GOP, the Supreme Court rips up the Constitution giving a future Trump administration total immunity from prosecution for any and all crimes committed "officially" by a President. What does official mean? They don't say...but this most certainly means that the state of our democracy is hanging by a thread and Trump will have a stacked Supreme Court to grant him the powers of a dictator...for more than one day. This is a serious show...pull up a chair...time to discuss...